Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas in Panama - 2012

Would we like to come to Panama for Sophie-Claire’s second birthday and stay for Christmas?  Could we ever turn down such an invitation?  Of course we would come!

So on December 18 we caught an early flight out of San Antonio to Houston and then directly to Panama.  We didn’t count on how early we would have to rise in order to catch the first flight to Panama but it turned out to be 3:00 am.  Thankfully the San Antonio airport is not very busy and also United upgraded us to first class which meant we could get coffee and breakfast in their VIP lounge.  We had an uneventful flight to Panama and arrived at Chris and Gretchen’s apartment about 3:00 pm just as Sophie-Claire was waking up from her nap. 

In the short time since we last saw her she has grown in so many ways.  She has beautiful golden, curly hair and a sweet temperament to go along with her pretty looks.  I know we are biased but she really is a pretty little girl.  And while she can dress up and look like a little princess she is not just a girly girl but a busy tornado of activity that never stops.  She loves to play in dirt and water puddles and is not averse to getting her hands dirty.  She loves to watch trucks, cranes, back-hoes, and construction workers doing their jobs.  On the numerous walks I took her on she didn’t walk but ran everywhere.  She can walk up the steep steps to the slides in the playground and isn’t afraid of heights.  The higher you can make her swing go the better for her.  She seems to have endless energy.

Her nanny is named Eladia and she spends every week day with Sophie-Claire almost as a second mommy.  Eladia doesn’t speak fluent English so she teaches Sophie-Claire her ABCs, numbers, colors, and several songs in Spanish.  During the day Sophie-Claire seems to speak mostly Spanish and then switches to English when Mom and Dad return home.  Besides those languages she has watched the American Sign Language video for children and she can, and does, sign several words.

As you can tell from my bragging, Sophie-Claire was the highlight of our trip to Panama although we do enjoy her parents too.  Gretchen and Chris took off several days while we were visiting but when they did go to work Eladia was told she could come in later and we would feed Sophie-Claire her breakfast, take her for her first walk of the day, change diapers if necessary and generally play with her.  We enjoyed doing that.

December 20 was Sophie-Claire’s second birthday and we had a little family party in the evening.  After her dinner she was allowed a chocolate cupcake with two burning candles which delighted her.  Next she opened up her birthday presents, carefully tearing off the wrapping paper of each one.  She enjoyed all the toys, books, and videos she received.  After that we all decorated the Christmas tree which Sophie-Claire and their cat, Churchill, thought were for their benefit to play with.

There were other highlights as well.  Gretchen and Chris arranged to rent a small house in the mountainous region of El Valle de Anton (usually just called El Valle) where many wealthy Panamanians have a second home.  Our little house was remote and surrounded by a jungle of lush trees, plants, and flowers of all kinds.  The area has monkeys, sloths, parrots and other jungle wildlife but we didn’t see much.  That was because we had the bad luck of having a storm of wind and rain most of the time we were there – an unusual event since the dry season was supposed to begin in mid-December.  We lost power a couple of times but the strong winds and rain at night made for interesting sleeping.  However we did see some birds there we don’t normally see in Texas.

We hiked some muddy trails from the house we rented.  Sophie-Claire loved to throw rocks and sticks into the creek so that was a big part of our hikes.  We did visit the colorful open market in El Valle with a larger selection of produce than I would have guessed.  We visited the small local zoo which has a few of the remaining golden frogs that are dying out.  Sophie-Claire enjoyed the animals in the zoo and raced from cage to cage.  We went to the Chorno El Macho waterfall where Gretchen and Chris took the zip line across the waterfall. 

On our last morning we had plans to drive to the local hot thermal springs for a dip but as we started down our long, steep driveway we discovered that a rather large orange tree had uprooted and blown across the driveway in the night.  It was too big for Chris and me to budge so we walked downhill into the village to the caretaker’s house only he wasn’t home.  His wife had some of their visiting friends or relatives take us back and they brought machetes since they didn’t have a power saw.  We hacked away at the tree, cutting off smaller limbs and finally were able to push it off the driveway with five men.  By then it was just time to check out and drive back to Panama but we got some exercise.

We ate well in Panama.  In El Valle we had a delicious lunch at a very nice restaurant called Casa de Lourdes.  Rita had pasta with asparagus and mushrooms while I had sesame encrusted corvina which is drum fish.  All our dishes were delicious as was the wine.

Gretchen and Chris both cook and love good food and wine so all our meals at their house were great.  One evening we went out to eat at one of the best seafood restaurants in Panama called Casa del Marisco.  The owners were originally from the Basque region of Spain but settled in Panama years ago.  Their new restaurant is very modern and the food is delicious.  Rita and I both had fresh grouper; mine was encased in garlic and almonds.  Then we went to a rooftop bar in Casco Viejo, or the old town, named Tantalo.  We sipped mojitoes while viewing the skyline of Panama in the warm tropical air.

Another day we had delicious Indian food at Sabor de India, a restaurant in the downtown area of Panama.  We selected several spicy dishes, naan, and rice and shared them along with refreshing Foster’s India Pale Ale.  In fact, we had enough food left over we took it home for another meal later on.

On Christmas Eve we got away early and drove about an hour’s drive to Soberania National Park where we went to the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center first.  We were looking for birds and we climbed their 100-foot tower but didn’t see much except a sloth and a brown hawk.  The reception center had nectar feeders out and there we saw several different kinds of beautiful hummingbirds.  Next we walked down Pipeline Road, one of the premier bird watching places in the world.  We saw several blue morph butterflies which are bigger than some birds.  We saw some birds but not a bumper crop.  I’ll list birds seen in Panama at the end of this story.

Christmas Day we first opened our stockings while Sophie-Claire was getting acquainted with this gift-giving tradition.  Churchill was first to open his package of a catnip toy.  Sophie-Claire discovered an apple in her stocking which occupied her for quite some time.  Gretchen made a nice breakfast of bacon and gingerbread pancakes.  Then to the task of opening all those other packages, most of which were for Sophie-Claire.  She did an admirable job and really enjoyed her presents – mostly books, videos, trucks, and Lego blocks.  During most of this we Skyped with Rachel and Deana – it was not as good as having them there but the next best thing.

In the afternoon we dressed up somewhat with Sophie-Claire in her beautiful red Christmas dress as the belle of the ball.  We had turkey, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and rolls.  We had a bottle of champagne then another bottle of wine.  For dessert we had both pumpkin and pecan pies.  A delicious meal!

All good things must come to an end and so did our visit.  On Friday, December 28, we said our good-byes to everyone and headed back home via Houston then on to San Antonio.  We left Panama in about 90 degree heat and arrived in San Antonio where the temperatures were in the 30s and winds blowing strong out of the north.  We stopped at BJ’s Brewpub for a light dinner and beer then a grocery store stop for milk and bananas so we could have breakfast in the morning.  Cruising home late at night on a back country road I was stopped by the Comal County sheriff’s deputy for speeding 70 in a 60 mph zone.  There was no other traffic around and it was 11:15 at night.  Why would a sheriff’s deputy be sitting on the side of the road at that time looking for speeders?  At least he just gave me a warning ticket and we arrived home about midnight.  All was fine at home and we slept soundly but sadly missed the noises Sophie-Claire makes when she wakes up.

Unusual birds spotted:

Green parrots (maybe Mealy Amazons?) and parakeets
Crimson-backed tanager
Yellow-green vireo
Black-chested jay
Keel-billed toucan
Squirrel Cuckoo
Long-billed hermit, white-necked Jacobin, sapphire-throated and green violet-ear hummingbirds
Panama flycatcher
Great tinamou