Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas Eve we started off with a delicious mid-morning brunch of ham cups filled with eggs and veggies.  We attended an afternoon showing of the new Tintin movie which we enjoyed.  In the evening everyone gathered in the kitchen to create a delicious Persian dinner of Iranian rice and grilled chicken kabobs. 

Christmas morning we had a late brunch of croissants, boiled eggs, and hot cocoa.  I talked to my brother, David, and we Skyped with Gretchen and Sophie-Claire in Panama.  In the afternoon we dressed up and went to the Washington Duke Inn for a delicious, huge Christmas buffet.  There were carving stations with beef, turkey and ham in addition to banquet size tables filled with starters and vegetables.  Another room had additional tables with several different kinds of desserts.  Even trying to control ourselves, I ate way too much but it was all delicious.

It was a wonderful Christmas.

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