Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The dollar is falling, the dollar is falling!

One sign of our shrinking dollar is that the USA is a bargain for foreigners.  The dollar is so cheap to them that a trip here is a good idea.  For them our gasoline, hotels, food, and rental cars are cheap.  We notice more foreigners here in Utah at the National Parks.  We've struck up conversations with Aussies, Swiss, Dutch, Polish, Scandinavians, but mostly we see and hear Germans and French.  I think the Germans outnumber everyone but the French are a close second.  They fly to San Francisco or Los Angeles, rent a sedan (or usually a SUV), and drive to as many Western National Parks as they can.  The Australians take longer vacations because of the great distance between us and we've meet several who are traveling across the US from Maine to California.  One Australian told me our dollar is on a par with their dollar.  The Canadian dollar is worth more than our dollar.  And a lot of these foreigners rent medium-size RVs and travel around camping but it seems most of them stay in hotels.  One cafe we had breakfast in had hired a German woman.  We also have seen motels with signs out in German advertising that breakfast is included in the room charge.

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